The Project
MaYFAir designs, develops and tests a methodological kit and a MOOC for mobility promoters, in order to promote the capitalization of the learning outcomes achieved during a mobility for the purpose of allowing the certification of competences in national systems.
The project foresees the development of three intellectual outputs:
- IO1 – MAKe, a toolkit for mobility promoters providing guidance on the design and management of WBL (work-based learning) mobilities based on learning outcomes that can be referenced to the different national systems;
- IO2 – MADe, that aims at validating the MaYFAir methodology developed in IO1 through the implementation of forty (40) mobilities within the framework of eight (8) new KA1 projects developed and submitted to the Erasmus+ 2020 and 2021 calls by MaYFAir project partners;
- IO3 – BECOME, the MOOC for the “Method Expert for the transparency and validation of learning deriving from mobility in WBL”, in which the methodologies and the procedures developed through the project will be transformed into e-learning educational materials.
The project involves nine (9) organization from four (4) countries:
1 Vet provider involved in the national certification system and 1 Vet Mobility Charter owner per country. Moreover, the project involves the participation of UNITELMA, an Italian online University, which will guarantee the scientific value of the project results and allow the issue of a certification with legal validity at European level to MOOC participants.
The project will be based on a strong cross-sectorial and collaborative participatory approach that is meant to take the most advantage out of the involvement of VET Providers and VET mobility Charter owners. Throughout the whole duration of the project and phases, all the partner organizations will cooperate tightly to create innovative methodologies and a set of tools to support the professional development of staff involved in WBL schemes for high-quality services and performance delivery.
The final objective of the project is to increase the WBL attractiveness across EU by improving competences of those profiles working with WBL programmes both in “sending” and in “hosting” organizations.
The objective of the project is to develop a methodology to promote the capitalization of the learning outcomes achieved during a mobility for the certification of the competences in national systems. A specialization curriculum will also be developed, the “Method Expert for the transparency and validation of learning deriving from mobility in WBL” curriculum.
The projects also aims at:
- supporting the internationalization of VET providers
- enhancing WBL (work-based learning) mobility and educational opportunities in the EU
- increasing the WBL attractiveness across EU by improving competences of those profiles working with WBL programmes both in “sending” and in “hosting” organizations
- contributing to increase European citizens’ employability also at international level, reducing precarious employment and offering greater opportunities to long-term unemployed
- reinforcing the use of ECVET in order to ensure that the learning outcomes achieved during a mobility can be referenced to NQFs and measured for the certification of standardized professional qualifications
Intellectual Outputs
IO1 - MAKe
Methodological Kit, an innovative methodological toolkit for mobility promoters providing guidance on the design and management of WBL mobilities based on learning outcomes that can be referenced to the different national systems. The toolkit will provide clear guidelines for the mobility promoters in order to support them in all the different phases of a mobility and ensure the recognition and validation, for the purpose of certification, of qualifications achieved in WBL mobility paths. The toolkit is available in every language of the consortium, and the final publication on the project website makes it an OER freely accessible
IO2 - MADE _Mobility AimeD Employability
this IO aims at validating the toolkit and the methodology created through IO1. It will be implemented through a cross-fertilization process among partners holding the VET Mobility Charter and the other ones, in order to move towards the internationalization of VET strategies adopted by the consortium, under the scientific supervision of UNITELMA.
The development of this output will involve the following steps:
- each partner VET will elaborate, individually or through a Consortium, 1 short or medium term KA1 VET; they will apply to the Erasmus+ 2021 Call, using the MAKe methodology;
- implementation of 40 mobilities using MaYFAir methodology;
- comparative analysis of the 40 mobilites carried out through MaYFAir methodology and as many mobilities carried out through traditional methodology in order to provide suggestions and indications to optimize the MayFAir methodology (IO1)
This output aims at adapting and converting results of IO1 and IO2, in didactic tools for the purpose of developing a new specialization as “Method expert for the transparency and validation of learning deriving from mobility in WBL". The didactic tool will be a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) freely available online through UNITELMA online platform. At the end of the MOOC a certification will be awarded recognizing a Professional qualification with legal validity at European level (ECTS credits)


E.RI.FO. – Ente per la Ricerca e la Formazione
Phone: +39.0669320850
Contact Person: Lucia Colandrea

Università degli Studi di Roma Unitelma Sapienza
Phone +39.068110 0288
Contact Person: Prof. Roberto Pasca di Magliano

FyG Consultores
Phone +34 963 546 996
Contact Person: Fabián Gómez Gutiérrez

Centro San Viator
Phone +34 946 10 48 00
Contact Person: Alfredo Garmendia

DIMITRA Education & Consulting
Phone +30 2410 554026
Contact Person: Vaso Anastasopoulou

Ce.S.F.Or. Centro Studi Formazione Orientamento
Phone 0039 (0)6789619
Contact Person:

Centre IFAPME Liège-Huy-Verviers ASBL
Phone 0032 4 229 84 41
Contact Person: Audrey Houba

SivitanidiosDimosia Scholi Technon kai Epangelmaton
Phone +302104857601
Contact Person: Aikaterini Kalaitzaki
